Things That Cause Men to Be Bald - becausewhats


Thursday, July 27, 2017

Things That Cause Men to Be Bald

Things That Cause Men to Be Bald - When hair loss, you may be worried about going bald. Normal if your hair fall as much as 50-100 strands per day. This does not cause any problems as new hair will grow again. However, problems arise if many hairs fall out and are not accompanied by the growth of new hair, or when hair follicles are damaged and replaced with scar tissue. If this happens, you may experience baldness. A thing that no one would want, except for the person who deliberately keeps his head bald.

What are the causes of baldness?

The bald head begins with hair loss first which can be caused by various factors. Some of the factors that can cause baldness are hereditary factors, hormonal changes, medical conditions, or when you are in treatment.

1. Hereditary factors

Most of the baldness is caused by heredity. Pattern baldness that occurs in men is different from the pattern of baldness that occurs in women. Usually this baldness occurs gradually and in a predictable pattern. Baldness in men begins with a hairline on the forehead is getting backwards, accompanied by a point or a small circle of bald areas on the scalp. In women, baldness begins with thinning hair.

Baldness in men and women can be caused by androgenetic alopecia, which is hereditary and is influenced by androgen hormones. Every hair on your head has its own cycle, hair loss and then replaced with new hair. Usually, hair follicles fall off with new hairs in the same size. However, what occurs at the beginning of baldness is the hair follicles shrink so that new hair grows thinner and smoother in women, whereas in men the hair grows shorter and smoother. Hair follicles shrink, hair growth cycles end, and in the end no new hair grows.

Men more quickly experience baldness than women. In men, baldness can occur in early puberty. Heredity factors can regulate at what age you begin to experience baldness and can also affect the level of hair baldness.

2. Hormonal changes

Changes or hormonal imbalances can cause you to experience hair loss and can further lead to hair baldness. One of the hormones associated with hair growth is the hormone androgen or male sex hormones. One of the functions of androgen hormones is to regulate hair growth. Research shows that male pattern baldness is associated with androgen hormones.

In women, androgen hormone changes usually occur after menopause, which can cause baldness. However, some experts say that it is not directly related. As quoted from, Dr. Nicole Rogers, a dermatologist from Old Metairie Dermatology, said that it could be menopause and hair loss only occurs at the same age, there is no direct relationship.

In addition to menopause, hormonal changes in women can also occur during pregnancy and birth. During pregnancy and birth, women usually also experience hair loss. In addition, some hormones are affected by the thyroid gland so problems with the thyroid gland can also cause hair loss.

3. Medical condition and treatment

If all hair follicles are of the same size or if hair is suddenly falling, this may be caused by other factors that are not heredity, such as a medical condition. Medical conditions can cause rash, redness, pain, scalp, broken hair, partial baldness, or unusual patterns of hair loss that accompany hair loss resulting in baldness.

There are various medical conditions that can cause hair loss that leads to baldness, such as thyroid gland disorders, anemia, autoimmune diseases, and polycystic ovary syndrome that generally occur in women.

The immune system or the immune system can attack the hair follicles. Causes hair loss suddenly and leaves a fine scar on the scalp, resulting in baldness in a small circle on the scalp. Hair loss caused by the immune system is commonly referred to as alopecia areata.

Hair loss can also occur due to extreme stress, physical trauma such as surgery or sustained pain, drastic weight loss over a short period of time, and consuming too much vitamin A. Hair loss can occur weeks to six months after any of the conditions It happens.

In addition to medical conditions, hair loss can also be caused by treatment or treatment that is being done. Hair loss can be caused by drugs used by cancer patients, arthritis, depression, heart problems, high blood pressure, and contraceptives. See your doctor if hair loss occurs after taking a new medication or when it is accompanied by other health complaints.