Causes of Toothache and How To Overcome It - becausewhats


Thursday, July 27, 2017

Causes of Toothache and How To Overcome It

Causes of Toothache and How To Overcome It - The most unpleasant pain is toothache! Because when you feel pain in your teeth, all the normal feelings in other organs also feel pain. The head becomes dizzy, the mind gets chaotic, the outlook becomes blurred. Though the main problem is toothache.

It's not a new thing to feel toothache. Because every person who has developed into adulthood must have never felt a toothache. It is already a 'duty'. Have you ever met anyone who has not had a toothache yet?

Lots of factors that cause someone to feel the toothache. Either because it is natural or because of treatment on the cleanliness of his teeth.

1. Teeth are damaged

This is the most common problem suffered by people who complain of toothache. The existence of holes that penetrate tooth enamel to the inner layer of teeth. The existence of these cavities makes the sensitivity of the teeth increases. Finally it becomes very easy to get sick.

The presence of cavities can trigger the infection. In fact, until the pulp tissue is deter- mined. Some Had time to fester.

You will reduce your speech. Because of this pain will also be more pain when you try to talk. Your head is also dizzy. So be lazy to do activities or activities.

2. Inflammatory gums

The presence of gingivitis is usually due to infection. It is capable of causing the gums to become red, then swell. Even worse until bleeding. Usually the problem is inflammation not only in the gums, but also the tooth bone that causes swelling in the tissue Peripheral teeth. Swollen gums are called gingivitis.

3. Experience of trauma

The presence of trauma to the teeth can cause the tooth to break, resulting in a toothache. You will feel very painful if it comes to certain tooth nerve (pulp).

4. Erosion Teeth

Upper teeth (erosion / abrasion of the tooth) gums occur usually because you brush your teeth but in the wrong way. So make the bottom root of the tooth open. Since there is no shield at the root of the lower teeth, this makes it more sensitive. Moreover, if directly contacted with hot food, cold, and sour. According to research that acid in food or drink can erode tooth root. Thus aggravate the condition of tooth sensitivity.

5. Growing Molar 3

One of the most painful people is during the last teething. Molar 3 teeth that want to get out indeed make the pain. For the place to go out was gone, but he was forced to leave. So he had to grow by pressing his teeth beside him. This is what makes the pain in the teeth.

Because the growth is also quite long, the location of wisdom teeth is also the tip. Difficult to reach for cleaning. This triggers bacteria to grow the breed which increases the risk of gums and teeth.

6. Condition of bruxism

This condition occurs when you snap your teeth, or shift your teeth back and forth to each other, but it is done unconsciously.
This can be a toothache trigger because the teeth get excess pressure. Not only on the teeth alone influence, but also the joints and muscles.

7. Irregular teeth

Unfit teeth arrangements such as skewed can make your teeth feel sick too. This is because when you use teeth to chew, there is unbalanced pressure. So easy to inflammation of the teeth.

8. Illness: trigeminal neuralgia

Trigeminal neuralgia Disease known as suicidal diseases. The circumstances that occur make you really hurt, even feel like going to die alone. This is because the disease comes from the brain that connects the nerves in three places. Namely in the upper jaw, lower jaw, and eyes. Even those who have healthy tooth condition want to pull teeth which according to him become a source of pain gigu.

9. Care with Wire

Your function uses braces to flatten the look of the teeth. Because at first your teeth are not flat, so when the leveling happened adjustments that cause pain.

In addition, using braces is able to trigger bacteria to grow. Because the state of the bottom braces or metal parts are very difficult to reach to be cleaned. As a result grow corals that can damage your teeth.

10. Rarely clean teeth

Bad habits of people is lazy to clean his teeth. Especially who came home from work night, because too tired finally fall asleep. This factor triggers a person to experience toothache. Bacteria that accumulate on food scraps are not cleansed. So it makes severe tooth decay and eventually becomes brittle. For that make it a habit to brush your teeth twice a day.

11. Sweet food

Eating sugary foods also encourages the possibility of someone to have a toothache. Sweet conditions more trigger bacteria to come and stay settled in the nest. So if you do not clean up soon, the more bacteria. Even able to damage your teeth. The solution by reducing sweet and flour-containing foods.

12. Occurs due to illness: Sinusitis

Sinusitis is a disease that occurs due to inflammation in the nasal cavity. One of the symptoms is with toothache. But please note, not every toothache has a risk of sinusitis. It's just that when you suffer from sinusitis, there is a possibility for toothache.

13. Porous teeth

The most common cause of toothache is cavities, teeth that have holes tend to have germs and bacteria that can damage and cause toothache. The cause of cavities is usually a habit of consumption of sweet foods. The danger of soda can also cause cavities.

So before you give a hypothesis about toothache, just remember what has been done. Maybe it's because of your last night's after dinner, then go home without cleaning your teeth. Well the cause is also able to increase the risk of growing bacteria. For that most important, clean your teeth. At least twice a day is enough.

How to overcome

If you have a very disturbing toothache there are several ways to get rid of the pain here are some of them:
Using dental pain medication
Use herbal ingredients like

  • Garlic
  • Toothpaste
  • Clove
  • Salt water

If cavities, quickly remove the tooth if it does not hurt anymore.
The most common cause of toothache is cavities, so avoid the consumption of sweet foods and diligent tooth brushing is the most powerful way to avoid toothache.